The Australasian Alliance of Active Ageing Walking Activity Groups (AAAAWAG) is an organisation that promotes active ageing through walking groups in Australasia. AAAAWAG aims to improve the health and well-being of older adults by encouraging physical activity, social connections, and community engagement. The AAAAWAG website provides information on how to start or join a walking group and resources for staying active and healthy.
AAAAWAG, the Australasian Alliance of Active Ageing Walking Activity Groups, includes several Citizen Science Communities and Special Interest Groups (SIG).
AAAAWAG’s interests include participating in, recording, and sharing field observations while involved in Nature’s walking and sitting activities. The SIG associated with AAAAWAG believes that Nature-based activity patterns, such as walking, optimise health benefits. Health impact modelling of walking in Nature is based on evidence demonstrating that it is necessary and crucial to obtain data and information using scientific methods for personal and public choice decisions to facilitate the optimal allocation of personal and public space and time resources.
These days, the Australasian Alliance of Active Ageing Walking Groups (AAAAWAG) is increasing its involvement with the worldwide Citizen Science Community. The collection of up-to-date data detailing the biosphere of trees, plants, and ecology to build and manage the greener Melbourne objectives fits our mission. We seek to live in a safe, green, clean-air, health-benefiting, resilient urban environment.
AAAAWAG supporters have been involved in sustainability modelling and advocacy since the seminal Brundtland document published by the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) in 1987.
AAAAWAG shares TCPA values and endorses activities in which “The Town and Country Planning Association supports all levels of Australian governments to undertake explicit steps to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050”.
The most recent correspondents to me favour using the concept of zero-sum. There seems to be confusion in some people’s minds about what net-zero emissions mean when discussing off-sets. A zero-sum equation allows for more straightforward, localised decisions on the action considered when making personal lifestyle decisions.
In 2024, the AAAAWAG vision remains the same as the AAAAWAG 2021 vision and supports net-zero emission Living.
The formulation of AAAAWAG’s yearly mission statement update is in progress. The statement will refer to projects that include AAAAWAG advocacy for zero-sum local and global carbon emissions before 2051. The primary mission focus in 2024 is to raise awareness through advocacy for integrated modelling of health outcomes, land use, and infrastructure systems.
In 2024, AAAAWAG is campaigning for octogenarians to raise their awareness of optimal practical steps to change their personal behaviour patterns while in the departure or exit lounge to contribute to net-zero GHG emissions. Regular time allocations scheduled daily for walking, sitting, and appreciating Nature would contribute.
AAAAWAG correspondents to me focus on evaluating proposed changes to urban safe systems, mainly the potential personnel and public health impact on the people comprising the urban safe system and the changes that potentially contribute to achieving net-zero carbon emissions before 2051.
AAAAWAG activity includes providing support to organisations such as
Readers are welcome and encouraged to contribute time to facilitate policy development, design guidelines and political insight into the safe separation of walking and cycling traffic.
The Royal Park Master Plan Review by the AAAAWAG citizen scientists, who are walking octogenarians, will be the main focus of their time use in 2024/5.
AAAAWAG ceased contributing to Engage Victoria on 31 Dec 2023.
Readers are welcome to contact the editors of this portal for the reasoning.